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man watching the hole


Southeast Queens has been plagued with underwater issues for many years which has impacted the lives of many residents. Consequently, the cost of home repairs due to flooding are skyrocketing exponentially. Today, York College continues to pump gallons of water from the basement to remain a functioning and safe environment. With the lack of city to finance the damages to these homes, my office will collaborate for available funding allocated to help remedy this problem in SEQ.

Water Contamination 

This is a prevalent condition in many communities of color. The vigilance of Departments of Environmental Protection and Health respectively, will be requested to help address these concerns, which in many ways have prevented the establishment laundromat businesses close to water reservoirs.

Construction Site Regulations

On top of mapping out traffic routes for private vehicles, DOT is responsible for public transportation, road and street signs, and for the maintenance/pavement of our streets and roads. In recent memories, many of our streets have gone without repairs for far too long. Also, during work periods, complaints have been swirling from homeowners about damages to neighborhood waterpipes which DOT most time don’t repair. This is why commissioners of agencies must be held accountable by the people by creating a structure that will allow City Council Member vetting all the appointments by the Mayor. My office will work to make sure every agency is held accountable to the constituents that I serve.